Exploring Outdoor Recreation Activities

The Ins and Outs of Coyote Traps- A Comprehensive Guide

Coyotes can cause havoc in residential areas by attacking pets and livestock. They are also known to destroy gardens, dig through trash cans, and cause discomfort to human residents with their howling at night. Due to this, many homeowners choose to trap coyotes to keep their property safe.

In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at coyote traps, types of traps, and tips for trapping coyotes.

Types of Coyote Traps

There are various types of coyote traps to choose from. The first type is the cage trap. These traps are designed like a box with a door that closes when the coyote enters the trap to take the bait. Cage traps are humane and do not injure the animal, but they require constant monitoring. Foot-hold and leg-hold traps are another type of trap and are designed to trap the animal by the foot or leg. While these traps are effective, they are highly controversial and not always legal in all states. Another type of trap is the padded-jaw trap, which prevents injury. However, these traps can be expensive.


Using bait is crucial in trapping coyotes. They are highly adaptable creatures and are very cautious about new surroundings. If you fail to use bait, the coyote is less likely to approach the trap. Popular types of bait include meat that has been marinated in fish oil, cat food, and canned dog food. The bait will help lure the coyote into the trap, but be careful not to use too much, as coyotes may eat the bait without entering the trap.

Trapping Techniques

First and foremost, you should make sure traps are legal in your area before you begin the trapping process. Once you establish the legality, choose a location for the trap that is away from the view of people and pets. This is important for two reasons- to avoid humans or pets getting harmed and to avoid coyotes becoming suspicious of the area. Coyotes are curious animals and will investigate new areas, so it’s important to be cautious and not leave any scents that may alert them of danger.

Safety Measures

Handling traps can be dangerous, especially if you are new to trapping coyotes. Always wear thick gloves when setting up or releasing a trap. When handling coyotes, it is important to understand that coyotes are wild animals and can be aggressive. It’s best to have safety measures in place just in case the coyote becomes aggressive.

Humane Release Techniques

If you use a cage trap to catch the coyote, it’s important to release the animal humanely. Wear thick gloves and cover the trap with a dark blanket to calm and subdue the coyote first. Once you have the coyote, release it in a safe, secluded area where there is little chance of it returning to the same area.

Reach out to a company like the North American Trapper to learn more.
