Exploring Outdoor Recreation Activities

Three Reasons To Try CBD Lozenges

If you're looking for a way to enjoy a CBD product recreationally, one visit to your local dispensary will quickly make you realize that there are many different ways to try CBD. One option that may be worth trying is the lozenge form. Lots of people take throat lozenges when they're nursing sore throats, but CBD is available in a lozenge form, too. While you'll want to note the dosage of each lozenge and take them accordingly — rather than treat them like standard throat lozenges that you might take repeatedly throughout the day — there are several benefits of this product. Here are some reasons to try them:

They Taste Good

Many people look for CBD products that taste good, thus making them more enjoyable to consume. However, there are a number of products that have little to no taste. For example, if you're taking CBD as a tincture or in pill form, you won't really enjoy the taste as much. CBD lozenges have different flavors added to them to make them enjoyable to suck on. If you're someone who perhaps needs an extra incentive to take this substance to enjoy its benefits, knowing that you'll like the taste can be appealing.

They Occupy Your Mouth

People take CBD for a wide range of reasons, including dealing with anxiety. If you're someone who struggles with a high amount of anxiety, you may often feel the need to occupy your mouth. This could mean that you want to smoke or chew tobacco, or it could simply mean that you bite your nails, chew your pen cap, or engage in another similar act. CBD lozenges are ideal because they melt slowly, which means that they can occupy your mouth for several minutes. If you're anxious, there's a double benefit here — the CBD will help with your anxiety, while you'll also be less tempted to put other things in your mouth.

They Soothe Your Throat

Don't overlook the fact that a CBD lozenge can also be effective for soothing your throat. If you're fighting a cold, or if you're in a dry environment that leaves your throat feeling somewhat irritated, taking a few lozenges throughout the day — provided that you're mindful of their dosage — can help to moisten your throat and prevent it from bothering you. In addition to soothing your throat, you'll also get to enjoy the healing benefits of CBD.

For more information, contact your local recreational dispensary.
